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Sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) has been on a slow rise to replace conventional jet fuel and is widely accepted as the most promising path to achieve net zero air travel in the short to medium term. From governments to airlines, aggressive SAF goals have been implemented, but actions and policies required to meet these goals fall short. An unpredictable geopolitical and economic environment over the next five years further adds to the complexity of widespread SAF adoption. SAF adoption and capacity will likely be impacted as countries shift toward establishing bloc alliances and focus on developing policies that strengthen technologies related to energy independence and national security. It is critical to understand how different geopolitical scenarios shape the future of SAF in order to participate in the SAF economy effectively and capitalize on the promising opportunity it presents.
How SAF could be the key to greener skies
Recent advancements in green technology for the aviation sector are dramatically shifting sentiment away from the often-held, but false, view that environmental sustainability and commercial air travel are conflicting concepts.
SAF has the potential to deliver the performance of petroleum-based jet fuel, with up to a 100% reduction in net CO2, giving airlines better footing for decoupling greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) from air travel. SAF could also be a dynamic investment opportunity for those looking for new ways to tap into the sustainability market.
The EY SAF Survey 2022 explored SAF adoption trends and a five-year market outlook. The survey included responses from industry practitioners, investors, travel industry partners and service providers. Seventy-six percent of the survey respondents consider the SAF industry to be in the emerging phase. Being in the emerging phase means there are new SAF producers entering the market rapidly to test new technology and gain market share.