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How can your company be a catalyst for the next generation of alternative proteins?
Four areas that we believe will guide market leadership
It is now clear that forward momentum at scale will require a noticeably different set of operational capabilities and forward-thinking investment priorities. If we are going to realize a major market and product shift, industry catalysts will need to take some calculated risks and innovate to speed the production, support and broadscale adoption necessary to drive the next generation. We have identified four areas where you can focus your strategic priorities if your company is looking to take a leadership position in both the near- and long-term growth of the category.
Industry consolidation and convergence – through production model collaborations and synergies and capability-led M&A
- As the alternative protein industry matures, we expect the three pillars of production methods (plant based, cultivated, fermentation) to converge as the industry moves to blended technology solution development and smart collaborations in traditional and alternative protein production models.
- Look to a “portfolio” approach to production by placing calculated bets across the three production platforms as a tactic for future growth.
- Additionally, the industry may begin to consolidate around key elements of production capabilities, commercial channels and value chain nodes with a wave of M&A activity. We expect this activity to stem from existing industry players and new entrants alike.