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Laying the foundation — what is a skills assessment?
Regardless of how skills assessment data is leveraged — planning audit engagements, developing targeted training, preparing audit committee presentations or other initiatives — it’s crucial to grasp its true nature and limitations. This understanding helps prevent falling into the trap of perceived precision.
Let’s ground ourselves in what a skills assessment is and what it is not:
A skills assessment is:
- An identification tool that informs an understanding of the department’s talent and capability at a point in time
- A method that quantitatively measures team and individual skills against proficiency ratings that are determined using informed judgment
- A basis for development and serves as a foundation for creating tailored learning plans and targeted trainings
A skills assessment is not:
- A precise measurement but rather one of several inputs used to gain a broader understanding of IA talent capabilities
- A final verdict on the department’s ability to execute a capability, as knowledge, experience, tools and processes all impact the outcome of activities
- A one-time activity but part of the ongoing professional development process and should adapt to the evolving business landscape
Skills assessments are designed to provide insights and inform talent capability strategies rather than serve as a stand-alone decision-making tool, as they are one of several pillars of a comprehensive talent portfolio.
While skills assessments are not an exact science and have their limitations, a well-designed approach can achieve much more than simply identifying potential skill gaps. Here are a few key objectives every IA skills assessment strategy should aim to achieve:
Inform department strategies
- Risk mitigation: Identify and mitigate risks associated with skill deficiencies that could impact operational efficiency or regulatory compliance.
- Strategic alignment: Align skill sets and knowledge with the organization’s strategic priorities, goals and values. Leverage results to empower decision-making (e.g., inform talent acquisition, training programs).
- Meaningful data: Pinpoint developmental opportunities within the department through a refined focus on relevant skills by team’s scope of work.
Mitigate knowledge gaps
- Tailored learning plans: Equip employees with individualized learning plans and clear proficiency expectations (e.g., trainings, certifications, stretch opportunities).
- Targeted development: Leverage results to continuously update and refine learning and development programs, ensuring they remain aligned with evolving skill demands.
- Resource allocation: Determine where to allocate resources and at what level/role to assign tasks to provide sufficient coverage of the audit plan.
Enhance employee engagement
- Employee commitment: Cultivate a culture of transparency and shared accountability, encouraging a unified commitment to upskilling and knowledge sharing.
- Team dynamics: Gain a better understanding of the collective skills and knowledge of a team to optimize collaboration, task allocation and project execution.
- Career development: Facilitate the discovery of personal growth opportunities and areas of interest through consistent development conversations and clear expectations.