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How to maximize your first 90 days as a C-suite tech leader

Whether you are entering this vital and complex role or hoping to accelerate your impact and reshape the agenda, we have identified actions to perform in 90 days.

Many roles to fill in a changing landscape

Tech leaders such as CIOs and CTOs are very much in demand, and success depends not just on what you know but also how quickly you can learn, adapt, evolve your team and define a vision. You must be a business partner and an enterprise-wide leader. In a data-driven economy, your efforts directly impact the company’s brand, including how a business operates, goes to market, differentiates itself and innovates for the future.

And you need to make that impact rapidly. The median tenure of CIOs and CTOs is under four years, according to an EY analysis of 1,200 executives at Fortune 250 companies going back to 1995.

Whether you are entering this vital and complex role or hoping to accelerate your impact and reshape the agenda, the EY Center for Executive Leadership has identified broad groups of actions to perform in 90 days, with key contributions from Hernan Tabah and Randy Mott, two longtime CIOs with experience at Fortune 250 multinationals across industries. The challenges are profound, and the impact you can make today is unparalleled.

How to maximize first ninety days cio

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