EY refers to the global organization, and may refer to one or more, of the member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate legal entity. Ernst & Young Global Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, does not provide services to clients.
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Industry drivers
- Heightened regulatory expectations — US and EMEA regulators expect firms to demonstrate adequate governance, market misconduct coverage across all venue trading activities, data completeness and quality, and efficacy of the trade surveillance framework.1
- Front-office and compliance responsibilities — increased front-office ownership with a clear delineation and understanding of first line of defense (1LOD) vs. second line of defense (2LOD) roles and responsibilities for venue management and trade surveillance functions.
- Increased risk - Firms need to establish a holistic view of trader activities to manage their market misconduct risks.
- Sophisticated exams — Regulators are leveraging advanced data and analytical techniques for supervision and conduct exams and are seeking more granular information.
What firms are doing
- Formalizing their trading venue inventory and the venue management governance framework that encompasses onboarding and offboarding of venues, ongoing maintenance and assessments, and integration with other frameworks such as third-party risk management
- Reviewing existing trade surveillance capabilities including coverage, data quality and completeness, scenario efficacy, surveillance platform capabilities, and associated policies and procedures
- Shifting ownership from second line to first line in establishing and maintaining and comprehensive view of venue management and trade surveillance frameworks
- Shifting incrementally toward integrated surveillance and the use of advanced analytics for effective surveillance and an enriched user experience
Trading venue management industry challenges
There is increased regulatory focus around venue management activities from regulators across US, EMEA and Asia-Pacific regions and as a result, increased focus from global financial institutions. Key industry challenges that the business, 1LOD, 2LOD and technology groups should be working together to resolve are below: