Migrating essential applications and infrastructure to the cloud is no longer a controversial decision, even for the most conservative, risk-averse organizations. The cloud’s allure has become irresistible, driven by diverse rationales such as fueling innovation, increasing organization agility, simplifying operations or merely permitting the business to better focus on its core competencies.
But simply charging ahead on a journey to the cloud without a proper roadmap is a great way to guarantee an expensive, disappointing experience. Although each poor outcome is unique, they all tend to share certain characteristics. At the start, executives at the top of the firm set ambitious goals and frequently take a personal interest in the cloud initiative. As is the case with many technology-based projects, the entire undertaking is turned over to the internal IT department, which launches the engagement with fanfare and promise. Regrettably, given the complexity of such a venture, the operation commonly stalls after rolling out a handful of applications. This can waste significant time and money, which disillusions the leaders who were so optimistic originally.
Avoiding this kind of aftermath was a major motivation for a leading global investment bank. The firm was about to launch a strategic, three-year technology transformation campaign that would be heavily dependent on the cloud. The primary objectives for this mission included expanding capabilities for the business, improving connections throughout its data ecosystem to derive fresh insights, and enabling the organization to create innovative new offerings.
The bank engaged with Ernst & Young LLP (EY US) to bolster the likelihood of success while avoiding the hazards that plague so many cloud endeavors. The client entrusted this engagement to us for several fundamental reasons. First, we had proposed an end-to-end approach that would incorporate our deep knowledge of the client’s business challenges and regulatory landscape. We would supply a diverse team – leveraging both onshore and offshore talent – with extensive experience in cloud and emerging technologies, testing, data, and cybersecurity. Finally, we had previously worked with the customer on a data strategy and build project, which established trust and C-level relationships.