Investment in technology infrastructure, advanced AI and data analytics is a priority area for driving growth as the technology is creating new value for organisations across the globe. It represents a significant growth opportunity, with one in five respondents acknowledging it as a key area for advancement. While most of the organisations that took part in our survey are still at the very early or even experimental stages of AI deployment, there is a clear recognition of the need to lay the groundwork for its future integration.
A significant number of respondents plan to spend more time developing a stronger understanding of data analytics, predictive analytics and decision science. In the coming year, 24% of respondents say most time will be devoted to developing stronger understanding of these areas, while for 10% it will be spent on facilitating AI adoption across the organisation.
These findings are particularly welcome as a clear barrier to the adoption of AI and other advanced technologies in organisations is the lack of an obvious value creating business case.
The increased focus on providing financial planning and analysis, cited by 45% of respondents as a priority for the next two years, up from 34% last year, is worthy of note. It has been recognised that finance teams need to automate traditional functions as much as possible and zone in on more value-adding areas such as forecasting and providing insights to the overall business. AI and data analytics and the ability to use them to best effect will play a key role in that shift.
Importance of data quality
Successful AI adoption is dependent on data quality and the ability of the organisation to use it properly. Both these areas require investment. The focus must move beyond simple data cleansing to integrating business logic for a cohesive strategy for the finance function.