Integrated workforce mobility

We put humans at the center of all we do in workforce mobility, teaming with clients to evolve mobility functions to create life-changing experiences and encourage growth for the cross-border business, teams, individuals and their families.

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What EY can do for you

Modern workforce mobility functions are now required to address different needs and challenge old assumptions as they’re faced with dynamic economic, geopolitical regulatory, immigration, legal and health challenges. It’s not enough to rest on legacy mobility models rooted solely in business travel or long-term relocation. Mobility functions have increased scope and have taken on a more digital, integrated and strategic purpose.

With this reality, mobility functions need to evolve to be high-impact, efficient, and cost-effective while helping to achieve business growth. The race for talent requires organizations to broaden their global talent strategy with a renewed sense of purpose and responsibility in navigating cross-border risks.

The EY People Mobility practice believes that people experience is as important as the process. Our professionals focus on improving employee experience through the exceptional and the routine, teaming to provide scalable cross-border and cross-functional services that support your talent strategy and business goals. We’re there for the journeys that transform your people, and your organization.

Core mobility services

Mobility should be woven into broader business and HR imperatives, rather than a stand-alone, transactional function. Human-centered Mobility programs that focus on the overall people experience while staying on top of global regulatory requirements, can be vital in talent attraction and retention. By blending the right people experience with the right technology, Mobility can evolve to support a workforce transformation that delivers a whole that is bigger than its parts.


Today’s top talent represents a diverse range of cultures, nationalities  and backgrounds. Organizations need to be able to rely on an efficient, well-executed process that honors diverse company cultures, retains quality output and manages compliance risk. Making this process seamless and worry free, with high-touch communications and consistent employee-focused experience, supports a global workforce strategy that is comprehensive and resilient.

EY Mobility Pathway

Cross-border work

Business travel and hybrid working deliver learning and development opportunities that foster a collaborative growth mindset, increase employee engagement, and contribute to your talent attraction and retention goals. However, if not done right, cross-border work can quickly turn from a talent enabler to a talent obstacle. Evolved cross-border work programs focus on employee experience, process, policy, and alignment with your company’s technology ecosystem. These components, paired with technology solutions, keep EY and our clients, ahead of the ever-changing regulatory requirements and support sustainability efforts enable quicker speed to ground, manage cost and risk, and promote personal and professional development that can be career defining and market differentiating.

Mobility managed services

Given growing global regulatory complexity and continued geopolitical uncertainty, as well as increased scrutiny of the value and return from mobility, the only way that mobility teams can respond to all business needs is to strategically engage external expertise. With external vendors, organizations can alleviate some of the burden of transactional activities. Managed services capability allows you to do more with less, consolidating and optimizing data, operations and vendors to promote flexibility, agility and resilience.

EY 2024 Mobility Reimagined Survey

Explore insights in our survey that reveals how mobility functions can evolve and thrive with a workforce in flux.

What EY can do for you


International assignments are increasingly being used as both a talent development tool and a workforce incentive. They can also help the business put the right talent, with the right capabilities, in the right place — where your market and growth opportunities are — at the right time.

But host locations’ tax systems can be complex. Tax regulations can be difficult to understand, particularly when they are in the host language. Meanwhile, tax obligations in an employee’s home country often continue to arise.

Our integrated mobility services — covering tax, social security, equity withholding and global compensation — can help you move talent across the globe with minimum delay and inconvenience.


Through our Integrated Mobility Platform, we can provide risk assessments; help with government and regulatory bodies and downstream service providers; and, where required, tax, immigration and performance improvement advisory services.


International assignments can be expensive, and businesses often question whether they are managing global moves in the most cost-effective way.

We can help your organization collect and analyse assignee compensation data, generate payroll instructions and produce accurate total-cost reporting.


Strategically driven organisations send employees on assignment to capitalise new markets and develop local successors. Our mobility transformation approach can help your organisation identify efficiency leakages in your programs and provide a road map to refining them to full effect.

Social security

Social security regulation is becoming increasingly complex, and employers are facing many additional obligations to remain compliant. This is complicated all the more when organisations do not have the policies in place to protect the social security benefit for workers who drop out of their home-country scheme during an international assignment.

We can help your organisation manage compliance requirements by improving data, systems and processes.

Gender Pay Gap reporting

The Gender Pay Gap Reporting is a regulatory requirement that mandates some employers in Ireland to publish information on their Gender Pay Gap on an annual basis. We can aid employers both in the practical gender pay gap reporting and further help employers to identify the reasons behind the gap and how to address it. To find out more click here to download our brochure.

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