Business growth

Companies that build long-term value can reshape their performance, reimagine their ecosystem and reinvent themselves to drive business growth.

The pace of change has never been faster. Standing still is not an option. Building trust, embracing transformation and realizing business growth have never been more vital. Executives need to take bold actions to make their companies fit for the future and striving for business growth.

Analyzing business challenges from every angle, EY teams work with you to provide strategic, commercial, financial, operational, tax, law and regulatory advice to unlock your full potential, and realize your business growth strategies faster whatever your size or industry.

With nearly 300,000 experienced professionals in more than 100 countries, we are continually asking and answering the questions that help drive inclusive and sustainable growth for a better working world.

Strategies for successful corporate separations

Explore further to discover why the market is rewarding the shrink-to-grow model and request the full report.

Our latest thinking

How B2B drove customer engagement with a D2C platform

Discover how Merck Animal Health modernized its HomeAgain® e-commerce site to offer a robust online customers experience and drive growth and expansion..

17 Mar 2023 EY Global

How do you harness the power of people to double transformation success?

Read about how EY and the University of Oxford explored the emotional cost of failed transformations and what it takes to get them right.

20 Oct 2022 Errol Gardner +1

Six drivers for successful business transformation

EY teams and the University of Oxford’s Saïd Business School look at what it takes to get transformations right.

08 Aug 2022 Laura Flynn +1

How the three Ps will shape the all-island outlook

How people, prices, and planet will shape the outlook for the all-island economy

10 Dec 2021 Graham Reid +2

Economic Eye Report Winter 2020 - Bouncing back or stepping forward

Uncertain trends in health policy and a complex political environment across the globe have made this the most challenging all-island Economic Eye forecast to produce.

13 Nov 2020 Graham Reid

Economic Eye February 2020 - When growth is not enough

ROI’s growth is expected to be close to 6% in 2019 and the UK’s just 1.3%, yet the electorate endorsed the Conservatives in the UK, but did not do the same for Fine Gael.

17 Feb 2020 Graham Reid +1

How a shift in focus unlocked an ambition to help high-risk patients

HMG Systems Engineering GmbH applied the 7 Drivers framework to transform their gene identification business.

04 Nov 2019 Ryan Burke +2

Economic Eye Winter forecast 2019

Despite the heightened level of risk, firms across the island remain positive.

09 Aug 2019 Annette Hughes

    CEO of Ouronyx on transforming people power into strategic advantage

    “Strategy without people will never come to life.” Learn how CEO Ida Banek empowers employees.

    Global economic outlook webcast

    Watch our latest panel discussion on risks, opportunities and commercial real estate

    Wave crashing on rock

    Co-CEO of Media Zoo on starting a new business

    “A business works with deep conviction, great people, and the right capital base.” Learn from CEO Adrian Gore on how to grow.

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