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Converting disruption into opportunity
While 93% of CEOs in Ireland believe they're progressing yet still improving in response to market disruptions, only 7% feel they're ahead of the curve—modest compared to 38% of global CEOs. This cautious stance may reflect the resource capabilities influenced by Ireland's geographic and market scale.
When asked to name the three most important elements of their strategy for converting emerging technologies and technology disruption into opportunities for their business, CEOs gave the top ranking to consistently making bold, strategic investments in disruptive technology opportunities.
Second ranked was rapidly and systematically adopting disruptive technologies to create viable business models. Leveraging emerging technologies to build an innovation edge and drive new ways of working was in third place.
This suggests a strongly positive and proactive approach to the conversion of disruptive technologies into business opportunities. Highly noteworthy is the finding that 100% of CEOs rated their organisations as either extremely, very or moderately proficient at consistently making bold, strategic investments in disruptive technology opportunities. The result was broadly similar for leveraging emerging technologies to build an innovation edge and drive new ways of working with high levels of proficiency reported.