Leadership Coaching

With EY Leadership Coaching woven directly into your strategy, you’ll accelerate results and grow better leaders, faster. We help your leaders raise their game as they bring your organization's vision to life.

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discussion with an accredited EY coach.

High performance in the midst of change

Leaders today face unprecedented demands as organizations respond to changing market and employee needs.

To get results, leaders must be empathetic, agile, purpose-driven, resourceful, and inspiring to their teams. While demands on leaders have never been higher, traditional leadership development approaches often lack impact, speed, and pragmatism.

EY’s experience has seen the benefit of embedding leadership coaching right into the design and implementation of strategy.

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Change, complexity and uncertainty are today’s reality. Leaders now are expected to do so much more than run a business.

According to our data, organizations with leaders
who take a human-centric transformative approach
outperform others by 50%.

Source: EY, DDI, The Conference Board. "Global Leadership Forecast 2018.

Let EY be your advisors for better leaders, faster

EY Leadership Coaching taps into your leaders’ inherent creativity, ambition and resourcefulness for better results, faster.

As your advisors in the journey, EY Leadership Coaching will learn your vision, ask strategy-informed questions, and co-design an integrated team and individual leadership coaching approach.

With Leadership Coaching, the time leaders spend with our coaches is highly productive and outcome oriented. We’ll co-design a customized approach that helps you to take pragmatic steps to improve your leadership potential.

Some specific areas where we support your leaders include:

  1. Leadership clarity
    We help your leaders get clear on what it means to lead in ways that exemplify your vision and purpose.                                                                                                                                      
  2. Leadership confidence
    We help your leaders surface actionable insights that help them accelerate your organization’s progress.                                                                                                                                          
  3. Leadership connection
    Equipped with new mindsets, behaviors and tools, we help your leaders bring out the strengths in their teams – creating a positive cycle of learning and growth.

Benefits of Leadership Coaching

Help your leaders find their next gear in the midst of change. Make this learning last through a fundamental mindset shift to focus on creating the conditions for team success and growth.

Through the benefits of EY Leadership Coaching, you will:

  • Keep up with the dynamic nature of your industry and business environment by putting people at the centre of your success.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
  • Increase your capacity for expansion and growth by helping leaders navigate large organizational shifts.                                                                                                                                         
  • Elevate your ability to lead teams with a shared vision and tap into individuals’ crucial winning behaviours.                                                                                                                                     
  • Grow your ability to define and track progress on your teams and across your organization.                                                                                                                                             


Our Leadership Coaching solutions

EY Leadership Coaching offers the following solutions based on our experience, insights, data and strategy-led approach to organizational leadership coaching. These solutions can be integrated into a customized approach to meet your unique needs.

person running
Executive leadership coaching

Support and challenge your leaders to develop and take action against personalized development plans focused on building transformative leadership capabilities.

Explore our executive leadership coaching solutions

swimming race
Highest-performing teams coaching

Address the unique barriers and opportunities facing your teams by guiding them through a structured approach to help them excel and deliver better results, together.

Explore our highest-performing teams coaching solutions

coaching at scale
Coaching at scale

Bring a culture of transformative leadership to your entire organization by implementing a broad-reaching coaching approach for your lead adopters.

Explore our highest-performing teams coaching solutions

people rowing
Executive Team Purpose

Provide your teams the clarity they need to achieve greatness, together through our Executive Team Purpose approach.

Explore Executive Team Purpose coaching solution

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