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The EY Americas Mining and Metals Centre of Excellence offers companies access to cutting-edge services and innovation-led solutions.
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Next step for mining companies to steer transition
Companies to focus on environmental stewardship to achieve sustainable operations
As governments, investors and consumers demand greater transparency and action on emission reduction, mining companies are actively looking for ways to decarbonize operations. Several mining companies have started deploying renewable energy sources such as solar and wind along with energy storage systems. Pan American Silver has achieved over 230,000 GJ reduction in energy use in 2023 due to waste haulage optimization and commissioning an energy-efficient ore pass, and an 85,000 T CO2eq reduction in GHG emissions due to securing of renewable electricity supply and energy efficiency projects.15
Mining companies are also considering other decarbonization pathways such as using electric arc furnaces, alternative fuels and buying green power purchase agreements (PPAs) to reduce emissions. For instance, First Majestic Silver is looking to replace diesel generators used for on-site backup power at its San Dimas mine with liquified natural gas (LNG), which will reduce carbon emission by up to 25%.16
With rise in silver demand, recycling will gain further momentum
Silver supply from mines continues to be dominant source, accounting for 82% of the total supply; however, supply from recycling has grown over the recent years with an estimated rise of 9% to 179Moz in 2024 compared to 2020, driven by rise in industrial and silverware scrap.17 In line, mining companies are looking for revenue opportunities by developing recycling capabilities. For instance, Comstock Inc., which initially started its business in precious metal mining, is now shifting its focus toward solar panel recycling and plans to open its first photovoltaic recycling facility in Nevada with the processing capacity of up to 100kt of solar panels annually.18
Long term, recycling initiatives are expected to grow further as supply remains tight, and exploration budgets are expected to increase gradually amid a tight funding scenario.
Mining companies are accelerating the adoption of responsible mining practices
Sustainable mining practices are becoming essential within the sector as the need for responsible resource extraction grows. These practices focus on minimizing environmental impact, addressing social and community challenges and ensuring long-term viability of the sector. Seven of the top 10 silver mining companies by revenue are members of the Silver Institute’s responsible mining practices.19,20