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Creating digital infrastructure and fostering inclusion
To promote the development of the digital state, a high-speed, reliable digital infrastructure is required. Advanced telecom networks – including enhanced 4G and 5G mobile networks – and data centers are the backbone of a digital economy.
Given the high development costs, government agencies are increasingly teaming up with private partners to put this infrastructure in place. The COVID-19 pandemic heightened the need for this investment, sharply increasing the demand for connectivity to underpin remote working, e-commerce and service delivery.
Infrastructure improvements must address urban-rural and economic divides to achieve inclusive digitalization. Governments can also help by providing devices (such as laptops and tablets) to get people online, backed up by support and training for individuals to improve digital literacy. But offline channels will remain vital to ensure all citizens retain equal access to public services.
Driving a national digital strategy
The center of government can formulate a national digital strategy detailing how it plans to deliver efficient and accessible public services while optimizing the citizen experience. Such strategies help to ensure that individual departments and agencies are focused on government-wide outcomes, enabled by interdepartmental collaboration and funding. Many countries have created a centralized digital service or transformation office to lead their efforts.
The center of government must also consider how to address the evolving cybersecurity threats that are transforming the risk environment and threatening the democratic process itself. A national strategy and dedicated entity can help to coordinate cybersecurity efforts across government, while collaboration with other actors will help create a more secure ecosystem.