EY–BlackLine Alliance

EY and BlackLine: helping companies improve their finance and accounting operations through the governance and automation of finance and risk processes.
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Our solutions

We live in the age of the digital organization, so why do over 90% of accountants spend time on slow and error-prone manual processes? Responding to your needs, EY organization and BlackLine have collaborated for over 15 years, empowering businesses to be self-sustaining and continuously moving forward.

Together, we help clients:

  • Reduce risk and provide full capabilities of the tool geared toward their processes 
  • Provide leading class capabilities to apply a holistic perspective to all options
  • Deliver powerful software modules and organization processes that increase business agility 
  • Be prepared in the face of global accounting challenges and changing business conditions
  • Develop comprehensive approaches to governing end-to-end intercompany strategies

EY organization and BlackLine work closely together to help companies stay adaptable, insightful and cost effective through a unique set of close management and reconciliation tools, as well as modules that assist with internal controls and deeper business insight. Together, we help empower clients to transform and automate their finance function, while reducing risk. Our recommendations help improve efficiency, speed and visibility; reduce costs and risks; and create a confident financial close by leveraging:

  • Combined robotic process automation tools
  • Traditional enterprise resource planning platforms
  • Deep business and technical skills 
  • BlackLine capabilities 

The alliance helps clients:

  • Automate manual-intensive finance and accounting processes for increased efficiency and a more predictable workload 
  • Improve quality and accuracy of reported financial information and increase visibility and control over critical finance and accounting data
  • Adapt to changing market dynamics, business needs and regulatory requirements
  • Deliver quality service at a competitive cost, while being flexible to demand
  • The long-tail impact of the pandemic and ongoing supply chain disruption forced many organizations to look to third-party vendors to provide logistics workarounds. But now with mounting regulatory pressures in the United States and Europe, those same companies are turning back to intercompany transactions to help de-risk their supply chains. That’s no easy lift, but companies don’t have to face the challenge alone.

    Together, EY and BlackLine professionals can help any organization develop a comprehensive approach to intercompany governance that addresses policies, data sources, technologies and other disparate elements that complicate intercompany processes. The EY-BlackLine Alliance leverages the EY team’s deep, cross-industry process design experience together with BlackLine's unparalleled track record in financial execution.

    The result is a suite of tailored solutions that help organizations gain greater control and enhanced visibility of all intercompany processes while also freeing up critical working capital. That means faster, more accurate financial close, improved governance and regulatory compliance, and a direct, positive contribution to potentially lowering operating costs.

    Intercompany Solutions

    As companies grow, combine or expand internationally, determining how different pieces work together in an increasingly complex world is a challenge.

    Our framework brings together the best minds to help you create clarity from chaos.

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Our latest thinking

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    Press releases

    EY named as the 2022 BlackLine Global Consulting Alliance Partner of the Year

    LONDON, 28 FEBRUARY 2023. The EY organization announces it has been named as BlackLine 2022 Global Consulting Partner of the Year.

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