The variety of client problems we help to solve drives my passion for my role and how we help our clients succeed every day

Simon MacAllister

EY Ireland Strategy and Transactions Partner. Head of Valuation, Modelling and Economics and Brexit Lead

Dad and husband. Corporate finance professional. DIY bodger. Enthusiastic but only modestly talented hockey umpire and triathlete!

A Partner in the Transaction Advisory Team, Simon leads the Valuation, Modelling and Economics practice. He provides commercially focused recommendations to public and private clients internationally and across Ireland.

Simon’s far-reaching experience includes valuations for financial reporting, taxation, intellectual property, complex securities, disputes/litigation and transactions.

He leads the development of business modelling options for transactions, decision support and advice on the development of feasibility studies, investment cases and business plans.

The economics team provides a range of services and advice to clients on economic forecasting, impact studies, policy assessment and business case development.

Simon leads the internal and EY client response to UK’s departure from the EU.

He previously worked in the UK Private Equity team and has spent time on secondment with clients.

Simon earned a Bachelor of Commerce and a Master of Business Studies from University College Cork. He is also a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants.

How Simon is building a better working world

“I ensure our advice helps clients solve problems, assess investments and make decisions which provide the best outcomes for their business. Leading a team to provide stand-alone services, or integrated with other EY teams, I work with talented people to bring a full service offering to clients across the transaction life cycle. This is how I play a part in building a better working world.”

Simon's latest thinking

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