For me, communications is all about bringing our stories to life in an authentic way that resonates with the clients, communities and people we serve.

Olive Stephens

Director, Corporate Communications and Public Affairs

Versatile communications, public affairs and PR leader with over 16 years’ experience of planning, guiding and driving communications strategies and initiatives.

Olive is versatile communications, public affairs and PR leader with over 16 years’ experience of planning, guiding and driving communications strategies and initiatives tailored to achieving organisational objectives. Her focus areas include strategic communications, brand building, crisis resolution, public affairs strategy, public policy engagement, reputation management, government relations, advocacy, and membership engagement.

Olive worked alongside the top PR and public affairs advisors and practitioners in Ireland advising clients at c-suite and board level in sectors including government, sport, professional services and the arts. She leverages an expansive network of political and policy influencers, including government officials, policy makers, academics, senior civil servants, industry partners and business leaders. 

Olive is also an experienced spokesperson and media manager (TV, print, radio, Web, and social media) adept at operating in complex, fast-moving media environments. 

How is Olive building a better working world

" Clear and effective communication between people at all levels and across cultures is essential to a diverse and inclusive workplace. By managing internal communications to understand and foster diversity, I contribute to building a better working world. "

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