Organisations need to understand the importance of international tax and its impact.

Joe Bollard

EY Ireland Tax Partner and Head of International Tax Services

International Tax practice leader. Experience in designing and implementing innovative international and domestic structures.

As EY Tax Partner, Joe leads the Irish International Tax practice. He actively engages with the Irish Department of Finance and other stakeholders in relation with proposed tax legislation, aiming to maintain and improve Ireland’s overall international competitiveness.

With 22 years of substantial experience in EY, Joe handles the design and implementation of innovative international and domestic structures for multinational clients. This includes IP planning, tax-efficient holding, financing and treasury management as well as the tax structure of mergers and acquisitions transactions.

Joe advises multinational companies operating in intellectual property-intensive industries, such as telecommunications, life sciences, computer software, hardware and web businesses.

He has attended ICAI and CBS Dun Laoghaire.

How Joe is building a better working world

"I lecture widely on Irish tax issues both domestically and internationally. Additionally, I advise clients on a wide range of tax issues associated with international tax structuring. Assisting multinational organisations in establishing, maintaining and reorganising Irish principal structures is how I contribute to building a better working world. "

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