Press release
30 Oct 2024  | Dublin, IE

EY Ireland reports strong growth on island of Ireland for Financial Year 2024

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  • EY revenues on the island of Ireland were €772 million for the Financial Year to 30 June 2024, an increase of 9.5% on the €705 million reported in FY23
  • EY Ireland’s five-year compound annual growth rate of 15.9% 
  • Financial year 2024 represented another year of market-leading growth for EY Ireland 
  • 5,196 people employed by EY across the island of Ireland (up 52% in 3 years)

Dublin, 30th October: EY Ireland has reported continued strong growth and record revenues on the island of Ireland for the Financial Year to the end of June 2024 (“FY24”), with revenues up 9.5% to a €772 million (from €705 million in the prior Financial Year). 

EY Ireland’s five-year compound annual growth rate stands at 15.9%, with FY24 proving to be yet another year of market-leading growth. Globally EY reported revenues of US$51.2 billion in FY24.

With the publication today of EY Ireland’s annual Transparency report the firm reported a strong performance in FY24 across all four of its service lines - Audit, Consulting, Tax & Law and Strategy & Transactions – despite a more challenging trading environment. All of the EY Ireland offices – in Dublin, Belfast, Cork, Galway, Limerick and Waterford – reported growth in FY24. 

EY Ireland’s headcount across the island stood at 5,196 as at 30 June 2024, with 102 different nationalities working across all areas of our business. EY recruited 1,415 people across the island in FY24 and we promoted or progressed 1,804 people in this period. 

Commenting on EY Ireland’s FY24 financial results, Frank O’Keeffe, Managing Partner, EY Ireland said

“I am very pleased that EY Ireland has delivered strong growth once again in this our most recent financial year to 30 June 2024. This market leading performance further underscores our position as the largest and fastest growing professional services firm on the island of Ireland. 

In a more challenging market this past year, we maintained our steadfast focus on our clients, our people and on the communities that we have the privilege to serve. We also made long-term investments in talent and technology which we know will position us well for the future enabling us to further support our clients most strategic challenges and opportunities. 

In this our latest financial year, we delivered a strong performance across all four of our service lines - Tax & Law, Audit, Consulting and Strategy & Transactions - thanks to growing client demand and to the work of our world class EY teams. Today we are leading our clients through an extremely complex, rapidly evolving AI and technology-driven era as we help to shape their futures with confidence.

We are equally pleased to have had a strong start to the first quarter of our new financial year, with relatively strong corporate finance activity in particular as well as a significant spike in client interest in our AI and data solutions, amongst other areas. We expect to see this momentum across our business continue to build as we go through the year.”

Societal Impact Report 

Today EY Ireland also published it annual Societal Impact report setting out how we create long-term value for a wide range of stakeholders including clients, our people, our suppliers and the communities we serve. Our EY societal strategy focuses on three pillars: Society, Prosperity and Planet.

Frank O’Keeffe added:

“In EY we believe that diversity brings strength and I’m incredibly proud that we have 102 different nationalities in EY Ireland who are delivering long term value every day for our clients, our business and the communities where we live and work.”

Key highlights from our EY Ireland FY24 Societal Impact report:

  • EY Ireland has a total GDP impact of €690million
  • 1000+ people have joined our graduate programme since 2022
  • We spent €6m on L&D in FY24 across the island of Ireland (44.9 training hours per EY Ireland employee)
  • Through our EOY programme we support 650+ alumni with our 2024 EOY finalists generating over €700m in revenue, employing 4,000+ people 


About EY

EY exists to build a better working world, helping to create long-term value for clients, people and society and build trust in the capital markets. Powered by data, technology and an extensive partner ecosystem, our diverse EY teams in over 150 countries provide trust through assurance and help clients grow, transform and operate. Working across assurance, consulting, law, strategy, tax and transactions, EY teams ask better questions to find new answers for the complex issues facing our world today.

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