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Q. The EY Ireland Global Information Security Survey (GISS) 2021 finds that about 70% of Irish CISOs are overconfident in their abilities to secure the supply chain versus the 33% international respondents. What make the Irish CISOs more confident than their global peers?
A. The overconfidence of Irish CISOs in the ability to secure the supply chain stems from Ireland having a strong pedigree in the adoption of digital technologies which has been fostered through factors such as business agility, a highly educated workforce, and adaptive attitudes to issues such as globalisation. This has been complemented by the prevalence of big tech firms having a positive developmental impact on the skillset within the workforce.
However, this overconfidence may decline due to the increase in disruptive cyberattacks seen over the past 12 to 18 months
Q. What are the three key steps Irish CISOs can take to build more cyber resilience into both the hardware and software side of supply chains?
A. An issue in your supply chain can impact you in terms of production, getting product out to customers, etc. That is why you cannot look at it within the confines of your own organisation anymore because there is an ecosystem and you are accountable for all of that.
Here are the three key steps Irish CISOs can take to build more cyber resilience: