o Overall sustainability tax & regulatory impact assessment:
Staying updated on the rapidly evolving sustainability taxes and regulations is challenging for many companies. We help by mapping relevant legislations that are coming into effect and the respective impacts across processes, governance and IT systems. In addition, tools like the Green Tax Tracker (GTT) assist in identifying relevant sustainability legislations.
o Carbon pricing
We help you understand the impacts of different carbon pricing instruments at Swiss, EU and international levels (such as Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS), Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) and carbon taxes). We help you identify impacted products and supply flows, assess the related financial and operational impacts, and build your own transformation roadmap.
o Supply chain due diligence and traceability:
Current or upcoming legislations such as EU Regulation on Deforestation-free Products (EUDR), the EU Forced Labour Regulation (EUFLR), the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) or the CH CO964 emphasize ecological and social aspects of the supply chain. They require companies to ensure internal and external traceability, collect new data points and implement a risk assessment and mitigation framework. We assist companies throughout their end-to-end implementation journey, from initial impact assessment until implementation across processes, governance and IT systems. This typically includes transactional flow mapping, data gap assessments, process and RACI design, functional and technical design, IT vendor selection and implementation support.
o Plastic and packaging tax and EPR compliance and impact assessment
We help you understand plastic packaging and extended producer responsibility (EPR) risks and opportunities, adapt to new compliance regulations and develop your packaging and EPR strategy.
o Lifestyle taxes
There’s a growing trend for measures that target healthy consumption patterns through excise taxes, adjusted VAT rates as well as labeling and advertising regulations on certain products or ingredients (e.g., sugar). We can help you uncover the “hidden costs” of these new measures across countries and identify sustainable responses through our holistic assessment.