EY Private

EY Private supports entrepreneurs, private businesses and their owners.
EY 7 Drivers of Growth
EY 7 Drivers of Growth can support you to unlock your ambition.

Your ambition is the beating heart of your business. As an owner, CEO or entrepreneur leading a private or family enterprise, you embrace a passion for your business with a commitment that it flourish and grow. To unlock the full potential of your ambition in the Now, Next and Beyond, you need a globally connected advisor who appreciates your owner mindset and can support you as you transform it into real progress and measurable success.

Unlock your full potential with EY Private, advisors to the ambitious.

Carrying your Carried Interest to Switzerland

Decrypting the intricacies of the taxation of carried interest in Switzerland

Owner Strategy and Family Governance

Check out how we understand the needs of entrepreneurial families and support them both with their private and business wealth.

Our latest thinking

    EY Entrepreneur Of The Year™ Switzerland

    The EY Entrepreneur Of The Year is highly respected across the globe as an award, as a program, and, even more importantly, as a mindset. Since 1986, EY has been committed to the unique EY Entrepreneur Of The Year program, which specifically recognizes the achievements of entrepreneurs.

    Art of Entrepreneurship