A photo of Rolf
Do one thing at a time, do listen more than you speak, enjoy or stop what you do and celebrate successes with your team!

Rolf Geier

Partner, Global Compliance & Reporting in Financial Services | EY Switzerland

Enthusiastic about client service, being a team player, D&I with the ambition to leave a legacy behind. Passionate about his family, Burgundy, cooking, hunting, fly-fishing, traveling and sports.

Rolf leads EY Switzerland's Financial Services Core Tax Sub-Service Lines and sits on the EMEIA Wealth & Asset Management Tax Board. 

He has extensive experience in the fields of tax compliance, Swiss fund tax reporting, (re-)structuring of asset/wealth management businesses, relocations, financial products, financing structures and wider international tax as well as transaction tax (buy-side and sell-side). More specifically, Rolf has experience (and has lectured in University) in the area of tax risk control frameworks and tax operating models. Throughout his career, he has engaged and negotiated on numerous cases with the Cantonal and Federal Tax Authorities.

How Rolf is building a better working world

My ambition is to build a better working world by staying curious and listen to my clients trying to find the right answers and solutions for their unique set-up and facts pattern. Simultaneously I aim at developing our talents so these leaders of the future will bring more transparency into tax, help ensure compliance and make EY’s clients the most successful and trustworthy in the market. With my hat as a member of the corporate sustainability board of EY I try to advance EY as a company and EY as a service provider to contribute to the wider ESG agenda.

Contact Rolf Geier