It only seems impossible until it is done – Nelson Mandela

André M. Bieri

Tax Partner, Markets Leader | EY Switzerland

Married and proud father of two children, manages his own vineyard and likes kickboxing, biking and jogging.

As EY Markets Leader Switzerland & Liechtenstein and Managing Partner of Offices Switzerland & Liechtenstein he is responsible to further increase our impact in the Swiss Market.

Furthermore André operates as a tax partner and as the Head of Business Tax Services of EY Central Switzerland. He has gained over 14 years of experience in advising international companies with headquarters in Switzerland as well as consulting foreign trading and principal companies in varies sectors.

He supports family businesses in advising them and interfacing between companies and entrepreneurs. His competency lies in national and international corporate tax law, especially in the areas of tax advice, tax compliance, design, optimization and implementation of a tax-efficient corporate structure, tax accounting and the tax audit of international and national groups.

André’s academical experience comes from graduating as lic. Oec. publ. with a major in finance at the University of Zurich. He then attended the Tax Academy Zurich and finished as a “Swiss Certified Tax Expert” with a major in corporate tax law.

How André is building a better working world

“My vision is a structured and efficient “go to market” support - always with the the focus on the clients. I’m building a better working world by being highly engaged in maintaining a sustainable and successful system in Switzerland.

Beyond my various memberships, e.g. in the Treuhand-Kammer, the Schweizerische Vereinigung Diplomierter Steuerexperten (SVDS), the International Fiscal Association (IFA) and the Funding initiative “Kompass” of the Europaforum Lucerne I am Board Member of the Swiss Venture Club (SVC), Interviewer of EY Entrepreneur of the Year and Initiator of various interest groups to improve the tax framework in Switzerland.

In addition I speak at internal and external events as well as at University seminars."

André's latest thinking

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