Start-up and fast growth companies

Helping start-up and fast growth companies realize their growth ambition

At EY Canada, we’ve been recognizing, celebrating and connecting Canadian founders and entrepreneurs for nearly 30 years. We’re steadfastly building and supporting a diverse and inclusive ecosystem that helps enable entrepreneurial growth at every stage of business. See how EY is enabling journeys that lead to ground‑breaking innovations, new industries and creative solutions that address the world’s growing issues, through our programs focused on entrepreneurship for all.

Through our work with some of the most growth-oriented and disruptive companies in the world, we developed a deep understanding of how entrepreneurial businesses grow and thrive.

EY can help you navigate or avoid common and unexpected challenges of starting or selling your business. We know your available capital must be primarily dedicated to investing in your growth strategy. That’s why we designed our integrated services specifically for the needs of start-ups and fast-growth companies.

Services to support each stage of your business lifecycle

As you move through the business lifecycle we are able to provide Audit, Notice-to-Readers, Reviews, Personal and Corporate Tax Compliance and Tax Advisory services at every stage with additional service offerings to support your growth agenda.

EY Programmed for Success video interview series

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Let's talk - How can EY help you realize your growth ambitions?

Meet the leadership team

Western Canada Team
Photo of EY Rodger

Rodger So
Seed phase lead

Photo of EY Mike Miller

Mike Miller
Startup phase lead

Photo of EY  Manos Xenos

EY  Manos Xenos
Growth phase lead


Photo of EY Sam whittaker

Sam Whittaker
Expansion phase lead

Central Canada Team
Photo of Dharmesh gandhi

Dharmesh Gandhi
Seed phase lead

Photo of EY Karen atkinson

Karen Atkinson
Startup phase lead

Photo of EY David fabian

David Fabian
Growth phase lead

Photo of EY Sid nair

Sid Nair
Expansion phase lead

Eastern Canada Team

Photo of Nassim Bennacer

Nassim Bennacer Langlois
Seed phase lead

Photo of EY Patrick Dastous

Patrick d'Astous
Startup phase lead


Photo of EY Nicholas Voyer

Nicholas Voyer
Growth phase lead

Photo of EY Frankos Tellier

François Tellier
Expansion phase lead

Explore our programs to help elevate your game

Through our marquee programs, we gather owners, C-level executives, entrepreneurs, investors and advisors to network, share inspiration, exchange ideas, define what is next and celebrate success.

The company we keep to help accelerate your growth

Entrepreneurs' Organization logo
MaRS Discovery District logo
Microcredit Montreal logo
NEXT Canada logo
PEO Leadership logo
PEO Leadership logo
Communitech logo

Contact us
Like what you've seen?  Get in touch to learn more.

Discover more about our service offerings
EY Private | EY Canada
SR&ED and Business Incentives | EY Canada
Tax services | EY Canada
People and Workforce | EY Canada
IPO advisory | EY Canada
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