EY - Electric cars parking in a line charging

Energy Drivers – oil and gas in the age of electric vehicles

In this episode of our Energy Drivers podcast, EY Canada’s Oil & Gas Leader Lance Mortlock sits down with Suncor Downstream EVP Kris Smith to talk about his views on the rate of electric vehicle adoption in Canada, issues that are unique to the Canadian market, and how oil and gas companies will still play an important role in the energy transition.

Learning outcomes

  • Canada is already in transition to adoption of electric vehicles — the signposts seem to indicate that it will accelerate at a moderate rate.

  • With a growing global population and the ramifications of climate change, we need to consider radically changing the way energy is consumed over the next several decades.

  • While oil will still be an important part of the energy mix in the coming decades, oil and gas companies are going to have to adapt how they develop resources, how they invest in clean technologies and how they fit into energy distribution to thrive in the energy transition.

You can also listen to this episode on Spotify and Apple.


Feb 2020


Episode 2


22m 11s

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