Dawn of new renewable energy technologies. Modern, aesthetic and efficient dark solar panel panels, a modular battery energy storage system and a wind turbine system in warm light. 3D rendering.

Next-generation Canadian electricity networks: navigating the energy transition with distribution system operators


Moz Salim, Partner, Power and Utilities Sector Leader, EY Canada
Sara Ganowski, Senior Manager, EY Canada
Tyson Denhamer, Manager, EY Canada
Alexandr Kim, Senior Consultant, EY Canada
Connor McCabe, Senior Consultant, EY Canada

Local contact: Lance Mortlock, EY Canada Managing Partner, Industrials & Energy

Integrated and resilient, DSO collaboration may provide the balance the Canadian electricity grid needs to modernize for a brighter future.

In brief

  • DSOs help integrate distributed energy resources (DERs), such as electric vehicles and heat pumps, ensuring grid stability and advancing decarbonization.
  • With bidirectional, complex energy requirements, utilities must evolve, investing in capabilities to adapt to Canada’s modern power landscape.
  • Implementing DSO may enable Canadian utilities to meet the growing energy demands of customers with flexibility while reducing operating costs. 

Managing the load: are DSOs the answer to advancing Canada’s electric future? 


Offering real-time adaptability, seamless integration, efficiency and enhanced grid resilience, distribution system operator (DSO) collaboration may provide the balance Canada needs to modernize for a brighter tomorrow.


With industry and governments focusing on a wide range of technologies to deliver secure, sustainable and equitable energy solutions to meet looming net-zero ambitions, there is opportunity for today’s electricity distributors to step into the spotlight and step up with solutions to address a growing energy trilemma.


Delivering enhanced capabilities is not without its challenges, particularly for a historically risk-averse sector that’s often perceived as dated and static. Electricity demand is expected to double or even triple in coming years, so the industry must reframe this paradigm. Disruptive operating models will encourage innovation yet require agile and responsive policy changes to keep pace.


Understanding DSOs and their role in an evolving Canadian utilities landscape


A DSO is a real-time system operator for an active distribution network that manages and coordinates distributed generation at the local level, acting as a neutral facilitator to open markets and enabling easy access to the grid.


Most Canadian utilities operate under conventional market structures. DSO models represent a fundamental shift in managing and optimizing energy distribution, offering a range of critical value elements, like the ability to readily integrate solutions or the flexibility to optimize allocation and swiftly respond to variations in energy supply, that differentiate them from more traditional approaches.


As grid pressure builds, Canada’s distribution network operators (DNOs) alone are often overtaxed. Instead, working together with DSOs may help DNOs more effectively deliver on decarbonization targets while meeting the evolving needs of customers. 


This confluence of complexities requires significant change and a clear roadmap for the future. Canada’s traditional utilities are not adequately prepared for growing distributed energy resource (DER) integration. They face challenges in seamlessly managing the rising bidirectional flow of energy between DERs — like EVs, wind turbines and solar farms — and the grid. And, given their historic operations, might be lacking the agility needed to adapt to the change that will be required. A specific set of competencies will be required: objective-aligned stakeholder strategies, massive data analysis and coordination, customer engagement and socialization, investment planning and a deep understanding of network needs.


The following DSO illustration demonstrates what a potential ecosystem and connection points between DERs, grid-edge technologies and stakeholders could look like for a Canadian utility:

DSO diagram

An EY Canada report, Next-generation Canadian electricity networks: navigating the energy transition with distribution system operators, discusses the promise of DSO collaboration and some considerations the industry should be thinking about in the move towards decarbonization, including:

  • How electric utilities can adapt to integrate DERs and grid-edge technologies for a more customer-centric energy system
  • The grid infrastructure and technology investments that will be needed to ensure grid resilience and reliability in a decentralized model
  • What will be needed to enhance energy security with the advent of new technologies and the increase in extreme weather events interrupting operations
  • What regulatory and policy changes electric utilities should be advocating to lay the groundwork for more distributed energy generation and customer engagement.

Despite the challenges, the benefits are clear — improved operations, lower customer costs, service safety and reliability, and one more step forward in accelerating the energy transition. It will be critical for electric utilities to adapt their models and existing assets to move power, address the risks and invest in change if they are to empower customers to engage in energy management and remain relevant in the electrical evolution.

DSO collaboration is an important opportunity for electric utilities looking to evolve the energy sector in Canada and globally.

More in EY’s latest report - Futureproofing Canada’s electricity networks: navigating the energy transition with distribution system operators

Download the full report


Only by transforming can utilities, operators, distributors and providers unleash a new energy era. By pairing the reliability of today’s electric infrastructure with leading-edge technologies for tomorrow, their combined efforts can help optimize load distribution to meet anticipated demand, environmental concerns, resource scarcity and public policy priorities. 

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