● Test with leading accessibility practices in mind. Make use of a screen reader, turn speakers and microphone off, and test by only using a keyboard.
● Content review
■ Verify that page titles are unique and descriptive, marked as <h1>. There should only be one <h1> per page.
■ Confirm visual headings are useful and descriptive, and marked up with an <h> element and in hierarchical order (<h1>, <h2> and so on). Check for skipped heading levels (<h2> to <h4>).
■ Ensure that plain language is used instead of jargon, and all acronyms are spelled out on first reference.
■ Look for generic link text like “read more” or “click here.”
■ Verify that the text and background colour have a contrast ratio of at least 4.5:1.
■ Ensure colour is not used as the only way of conveying meaning or information.
■ Interact with the website by turning on high-contrast mode.
■ Ensure form controls have descriptive labels.
■ If a label is not visible, check for a hidden <label>, aria-label or title attribute.
■ Make sure that tables are only used for tabular data, not for layout.
■ If data tables are present, check table caption and row and/or column headers are present.
■ Verify alternative “alt” text conveys the “why” of the image as it relates to the content of a document or webpage. It should be accurate and useful.
■ Look for images of text or text embedded on images, and confirm that the text is represented either in the body text or in the alt text. Check this by trying to highlight text with your cursor.
■ Is all the content still present on the page and does it all make sense?
■ Does any of the content overlap or cut off?
■ Do you have to scroll horizontally to read everything?
■ Do navigation bars or menus get replaced with mobile-style menus?
■ Can you navigate and close the menus?
■ Do links, buttons, forms and menus still function properly with the content zoomed?
● Keyboard review
■ Can all interactive elements be selected and activated using the keyboard?
■ Is anything mouse-only, such as rollover menus?
■ Is the navigation order logical and understandable?
■ Is a visible keyboard focus indicator present?
■ Is a “skip navigation” link available? Activate the skip link and hit Tab again to ensure it functions correctly.
■ Test dialogs that pop open. Can you navigate and close the dialog? Does focus return to a logical place?
■ Does pressing ESC close all dialogs?
● Screen reader review
- Listen to how the page content is being announced.
■ Are all headings on the page listed accurately, and do they reflect the page structure?
■ Do all of the form controls have accessible names that make their purpose clear?
■ Does the link text make it clear where clicking the link will navigate you to?
■ Are all landmarks unique and used properly?
■ Is any of the page content being missed or not announced?
■ Is any content being announced which does not need to be, such as decorative images?
- Check dynamic content and pop-up dialogs.
■ If there is any dynamic content on the page, is the new content read to you by the screen reader?
■ If there are dialog boxes, are they announced by the screen reader, and can you close them with the keyboard?
■ When you navigate away, does the focus move to a logical place?
- Test interactive elements.
■ Can you operate interactive elements with the screen reader? Are they labeled clearly?
■ Can you select all links on the page with the screen reader?
■ Are you able to fill out the form, and are the fields labeled clearly?
■ If there is a search box, can you use it with the screen reader?