Payment services

In Banking and capital markets

The EY Payments team serves payments suppliers (e.g., banks, credit unions, networks and PayTechs) and consumers of payments services (e.g., retailers, health care companies and other enterprises). Bringing insights from both sides of the payments ecosystem, our solutions are designed to deliver innovation, growth and higher performance, ultimately driving better outcomes.

Manage risk and protect the business

EY teams design risk management programs to support overall enterprise payments strategies and strengthen alignment through organizational change management.

Innovate and grow

Craft, refresh and execute payments strategies. Identify and build approaches for acquisitions, partnerships, divestment strategies and transformation.

Modernize and optimize

Design and implement modern environments via methods such as crafting future state architectures, system modernization and core platform implementation.

What EY can do for you

Card issuing: We assist card issuers as they transition new business and operating models in light of changing customer expectations, new technologies and stronger regulations, with a proven set of frameworks and an experienced team with strong credit card-specific strategic, regulatory and operational knowledge.

Corporate payments and transaction banking: We help corporate treasurers to adapt to a rapidly changing payment ecosystem, and to securely receive and perform payment transactions with a strong integration of electronic payments into their existing enterprise systems and daily workflows.

Digital payments: We help to create digital and mobile payment solutions that facilitate commerce, enhance the customer experience and protect customer data. Our digital payments team works with card schemes, alternative payment methods, mobile operators, technology firms and social networks to improve the customer journey, to enter new markets, develop scalable operating models, to confirm regulatory and tax compliance across the globe and to improve treasury and liquidity management.

Faster payments: We help clients navigate a course toward integrating and implementing faster payments capabilities. We help your organization develop the right approach that balances near-term risks and impacts with longer-term technology and operational considerations so you can rapidly move forward in changing faster payments environment.

Open banking: EY is at the forefront of shaping the open banking agenda. We offer a comprehensive suite of services to help our clients comply, reduce risk, and shape and pursue strategic growth opportunities. Our team is ready to support all aspects of your open banking journey.

Payment acceptance: Integrated omnichannel payment acceptance at the point-of-sale and for e-commerce is the key challenge for payment service providers (PSP) and merchants. Our payment acceptance team works with PSPs to enter new markets and develop new products and services, execute M&A transactions and build joint ventures, support merchant acquirers in optimizing their operating model and help merchants to lower the cost of payments acceptance and to improve conversion.

Why EY payments?

The EY global payments team offers a mix of experiences and high-impact solutions, based on proven methodologies, accelerators and assets, including the EY Nexus development platform. We serve as:

  • Conductors of commerce – promoting connections and collaborations across the industry
  • Guardians of growth – establishing the foundation of modernized technology and strong risk management
  • Enablers of innovation – designing strategies and services for breakthrough performance gains

Our team includes strategists, product designers, technologists, and regulatory and functional specialists to cover the full range of stakeholder needs.

We offer deep insight and practical support to help you answer:

  • How can I harness payments data to drive value for my customers and stakeholders?
  • How can payments improve bottom-line performance?
  •  How do I create and optimize proactive risk management and compliance strategies to strengthen safety, soundness and trust?  How do potential regulatory changes affect current operations and future plans?
  • What is the right strategy for me? How do I identify the most promising areas for new products, features and businesses and how do I defend against new entrants and nontraditional competitors?
  • What is the current state of my technology platform and where are my key opportunities (either for modernization or new products like data monetization)?

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Hear perspectives from corporate banking and payments leaders on how they are navigating a digitally transformed industry.

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