Hello EYARC friends,
This newsletter begins with a tribute to a beloved faculty member of our EYARC team, Jessen Hobson (pictured far right), Professor of Accountancy at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Jessen recently passed unexpectedly and our entire team is sad. We just spent time together in December planning the future of EYARC offerings for the academic community. Then, and always, Jessen brought talent, professionalism and warmth into his interactions and work. His face lit up with enthusiasm and excitement when discussing ways to innovate and positively impact accounting education, and by doing so, he lived the mission of our EYARC fully!
We have been so blessed to have had Jessen as a part of our team! In his honor, I’d like to ask you to do two things:
- Try out the new Analytics mindset case, ETL in R, that he authored and is featured in this newsletter. This case was to be the beginning of a machine learning series. I hope you enjoy it!
- One fun fact about Jessen is that he always seemed to have a great pair of dress socks on. Each time I saw him, I enjoyed checking them out. So, in his honor, go to your sock drawer and find something fun to wear or decide if it is time to go shop for a new, cool pair of socks.
In this issue of the EYARC Access newsletter, you’ll find:
- Information about the EY Open Science Data Challenge that your students can participate in beginning February 1.
- Highlights about three new EYARC Analytics mindset case studies.
- Insights about how the Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) Act of 2002 is continuing to drive trust 20 years later, shared in a video resource.
We hope you find the following information useful in your classes and in your academic life. As always, you are welcome to share this newsletter with any colleague you believe would be interested. EYARC account requests can be made through the link below.