While businesses increasingly operate across borders and on a global basis, trade rules become more complex and customs duties often higher. Free trade is not a given anymore.

Walter De Wit

EY Global Trade Indirect Tax Partner

Experienced partner and thought leader in indirect tax and global trade. Family man. Father of three sons. Loves golf, hiking and wine.

Walter is Ernst & Young — The Netherlands Global Trade Indirect Tax Partner, and is seasoned in international customs and indirect tax.

Having joined EY in 1989, he serves clients doing business in the EU and advises clients in various sectors, including oil and gas, consumer products, automotive and transportation and technology.

An experienced tax litigator, Walter has served as Advocate-General in the Supreme Court of the Netherlands, providing legal opinions on customs, value-added tax and excise cases.

He is also Professor in International and European Customs Law at the Erasmus University Rotterdam.

Walter holds a master’s degree in Tax Law from the University of Leyden and a PhD in EU Law from the University of Amsterdam.

How Walter is building a better working world

“I strive to build a better working world by helping EY clients navigate the myriad of trade rules while doing business in the EU or outbound from the EU.

With trade compliance on the agenda of more and more businesses, we help EY clients comply with these rules, so that that they are able to operate across borders with as little friction as possible. At the same time, we also take care that they do not underpay or overpay import duties.”

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