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How EY can help
Leadership development can help your business develop the skills and behaviours that leaders require to effectively deliver results. Find out more.
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3. Think about your thinking
Metacognitive ability is our ability to think about the way we think, and it’s crucial for maximising learning. Seeking feedback and reflecting on it are key elements, enabling us to extract critical lessons from our experiences. Leaders should be aware that not all reflection is conducive to learning; self-reflection can be adaptive (helpful) or maladaptive (unhelpful). Adaptive self-reflection accelerates leadership development because it is characterised by openness, positivity, and a learning, goal-orientated perspective.³
4. Practise deliberately, not mindlessly
Those who excel in their field take a much more deliberate approach to trying to implement new learning to improve their performance. For instance, they make much better use of strategies such as goal setting, and adopt more specific goals about how they will improve their performance as well as just what performance improvement they’re aiming for.⁴
Deliberate practice involves highly structured and intense activities, adapted to each individual to stretch their performance beyond its current level, with immediate feedback focusing on errors or weaknesses. Errors are important in helping leaders to adapt since “failing to fail” restricts individuals from exploring alternatives, potentially leading to complacency.⁵
Effective leadership not only requires technical and contextual knowledge and skills, but increasingly calls for higher level competencies such as the ability to adapt.
When a leader is under a high level of pressure, they can become ‘rigid’ in their reactions. They can respond to challenges in ways that have become ingrained or habitual. This can be problematic when those habitual responses are no longer appropriate for the situation; which is increasingly likely in our complex, turbulent and rapidly changing world. As such, adaptability is an increasingly important and valuable skill for leaders to develop.