Transformation and growth

Banking and capital markets

Transforming banks through people, technology and innovation.

Technology, innovation, and workforce transformation are reshaping the banking industry. These forces are driving dramatic change, and banking leaders must decide if they will be pioneers, follow fast, or be left behind.


To reimagine a brighter future and seize opportunities to drive growth, banks should focus on transforming their workforce and operations. With a clear sense of the path ahead, banks can reframe their future by placing humans at the center of their organization, leveraging new technologies to support them, and enabling innovation at speed and scale. Banking leaders will need exceptional agility to manage change. Success will arise from a balanced execution of strategic near-term initiatives with investment in people alongside transformation and growth strategies that deliver long-term value.

Explore our case studies

How a global FinTech captured growth in the SME segment

A global Fintech captured growth in an opportunistic SME segment with a differentiated, holistic strategy. Learn more in this case study.

14 Sept 2023 Matt Cox + 2

How privacy and consent built customer trust for a financial institution

EY Nexus for Banking helped a financial institution with a privacy initiative that uses transparency to build trust and brand loyalty. Read the case study.

01 Mar 2023 David Deane + 4

Using AI to improve a bank’s agent effectiveness

Leveraging the power of AI and machine learning, one bank mined sales agents’ calls for performance-boosting insights. Learn more in this case study.

17 Jan 2023

See more, spend less: How to make the most out of your legal function

EY teams helped a global bank embrace innovation to develop a legal operations platform to speed up their process and cost optimization. Learn more.

27 Jan 2022 Yacine Benyaa + 1

How intelligent automation can empower employees to drive greater value

A banking client wanted to automate some of their business processes: EY provided a route to a much more comprehensive vision of automation.

14 Jul 2021 Dr.Patrice Latinne + 2

Why real-time customer journey curation is the future of banking

EY Nexus for Banking platform was key to transforming one traditional bank into a future-ready, digital bank of tomorrow.

26 Aug 2020 Nigel Moden + 4

How to transform product development to outperform the competition

EY Nexus is a cloud-based platform offering access to the most advanced technologies to launch new products, businesses and services.

01 Sept 2020 Ryan Battles + 3

How a new technology platform is helping banks go digital

The EY Impresto platform is a mobile-first, AI-optimized tool for addressing some of banks’ biggest challenges.

30 Jan 2020 EY Global

How the world’s first behavioral bank is focusing on customer needs

Improving customers’ financial health required a bold, new approach to building the world’s first behavioral bank.

16 Sept 2019 Jay Pather

How the right conversations can empower finance transformation strategies

Companies need more open dialog about how to effectively implement new technology. Finding the headspace for these conversations is key. Learn more.

29 May 2023 Janine Donelly + 2

    Regional perspectives

      Discover EY Nexus for Banking and Capital Markets

      A transformative solution that helps banks design, build, launch and enhance propositions at the speed of their customers’ ever-shifting expectations. A mature solution with proven capabilities.

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