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Promoting employee wellbeing
Nearly 75% of the GCCs we surveyed agreed that employee mental health was a concern. Employees have been permanently working from home for over fifteen months, and now with the added stress of this second wave of infections, GCCs are reaching out to employees to provide support in terms of changes in the employment model to add flexibility, outcome based ways of working without expectations around work hours and shorter work weeks. New employees who have joined in the past year have been most affected by the remote working, where they haven’t enjoyed an office environment, especially those who started their careers last year. During this extended period of work from anywhere, while digital enablers have continued to get an increased amount of focus, employee engagement and collaboration continues to be a challenge, because of loss of a physical connection and ineffective communication.
Policies instated for remote working
Over 70% of the GCCs have incorporated remote working scenarios in their policies and are reimbursing employees for home office equipment (e.g. furniture, UPS, mobile allowances etc.).
Revisit their real estate strategy
The second wave has also made the GCCs re-look at their real estate strategy, however, most have not changed contracts with service providers. Over 40% of the GCCs surveyed planned to release up to 25% of their existing real estate, with about 20% of them considering releasing between 25% - 75% of real estate.
Outlook for 2021
While expressing their outlook towards 2021 given the surge of COVID cases, over half of the GCCs surveyed felt that work from anywhere will continue until cases decline or a significant portion of the GCC workforce is vaccinated. To build a resilient operating model, over 1/3rd of the respondents believed that 25% - 50% of the roles can be performed remotely through adoption of a ‘Work from Anywhere’ model, subject to SEZ and/or other regulatory requirements. Interestingly, while 40% of the GCCs, interacted with, will continue to hire in the same city as their center, over half of the respondents are revisiting their talent acquisition strategy by expanding their reach to include other city talent pools.
The silver lining is that infections are slowing, providing some relief, but the crisis is far from over. We can never be fully prepared for the unknown, but the GCC community has been working through this crisis with the same diligence, empathy and pro-activeness as they did last year.
Nitee Gupta, Director, EY also contributed to the article. The views expressed are personal.
The article was first published on ET.CIO