To deliver effective change a programme needs to be rooted in a common goal or purpose, with all stakeholders committed to the desired outcome.

Florian Plass

EY Ireland Business Transformation Partner

Head of EY Ireland’s Programme Management competency. Transformation leader in FS sector. Keen league tennis player. Married to Helen and father to three boys: Matthaus, Sebastian and Nico.

As Partner and Leader for EY Ireland’s Project and Programme Management practice, Florian helps clients deliver complex transformations and regulatory programmes in the Financial Services sector in Ireland.

Having been involved in major transformation and regulatory programmes for over 19 years, Florian is highly skilled in programme management. He worked for two major oil and gas companies for over 10 years in the UK and has gained immense knowledge on global business transformation programmes.

Prior to joining EY, Florian worked for a leading multinational professional services company and was a lead within their Operational Excellence and Process-Led Transformation service line. 

He holds a BA (Hons) degree in European Studies from the University of Portsmouth and is trained as Lean Six Sigma Black Belt.

How you are building a better working world 

"I contribute to building a better working world by helping clients navigate and deliver major transformation programmes. My focus is on the purpose and outcome of the transformation. Recently, I led the GDPR programme for one of Ireland’s pillar Banks which won the PMI Private Sector Project of the Year in 2018"

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