Building a network of entrepreneurs across the Island of Ireland and connecting with EOY programmes globally.

Eimear McCrann

Director, EY Private and EY Entrepreneur Of The Year™

Longstanding member of the EY Entrepreneur Of The Year team in Ireland with a background in Business and Entrepreneurship.

Eimear leads the EY Entrepreneur Of The Year™ team and EY Private in Ireland, and has been part of the team for 8 years.

The EY Entrepreneur Of The Year™ Irish programme in its 27th year, develops, advises and empowers a community of entrepreneurs across the island of Ireland.

Over the last number of years Eimear has built trusted and valuable relationships with entrepreneurs, businesses and programme stakeholders while traveling overseas and interacting with international colleagues and attendees.

Eimear has an undergraduate degree in Business Management and Entrepreneurship from IADT and went on to study a Masters in Michael Smurfit Business School in Marketing.

How is Eimear building a better working world

Eimear is building a better working world by supporting entrepreneurship and business ambitions of Irish entrepreneurs, in particular Eimear has a strong focus on building the female nominations for the programme which continues to grow year on year.

Eimear set up the Female Forum upon joining EY which is a forum within the Alumni group for supporting and encouraging Females in the group.

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