EY refers to the global organization, and may refer to one or more, of the member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate legal entity. Ernst & Young Global Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, does not provide services to clients.
How EY can help
Our Consulting approach to the adoption of AI and intelligent automation is human-centered, pragmatic, outcomes-focused and ethical.
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Boosting AI’s value with top-down thinking
To realize AI’s full potential, companies should develop AI capability in an integrated way and from the top down. To reorient AI strategy in this way, bolder questions are needed. Rather than asking whether AI can improve performance in a specific process, you should ask if AI is helping your business as a whole differentiate itself from your competitors, while helping you become more resilient to the disruptors coming for your business. Is AI allowing you to go after a new market or reimagine your business model?
AI should not be deployed uncritically, of course. But the key to success is to evaluate it like a private equity investor weighs up a business – not asking, “What is a performative North Star?”, but rather "What is the investment thesis” with AI? The private equity sector does this exceptionally well, ensuring a clear line of sight to achieving a differentiated return.
This approach is critical in AI now more than ever. At companies that already excel in AI, programs are driven by Chief Executive Officers (CEOs), who are positioned at the top to drive the change in culture required for success. Tech-savvy CEOs align with their tech leaders, Chief Information Officers (CIOs), on the importance of technology in driving business strategy and performance. They make technologies like AI a leading focus to execute business goals. They don’t develop a technology strategy – they embed technology into the business strategy.
AI should drive major shifts in revenue and business model transformation, help a firm enter a new market, or fend off a major threat. The goal is not to use AI to do customer analytics for interesting insights, for instance, but to shift the business model from business-to-consumer to direct-to-consumer powered by customer analytics. AI’s value is not in helping finance departments produce machine-learning-powered forecasts on a quarterly basis, but instead to provide daily insights to business leaders on the next best steps to improve profitability. These probing questions will better elicit AI’s power to deliver truly transformational business value.