International tax talk quarterly series with the EY Global Tax Desk Network

In this webcast, panelists discuss developments affecting cross-border intercompany cash repatriation and financing.
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Recent global developments around interest deductibility and withholding taxes, including administrative guidance released in December 2023 by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), may create new complexities for companies engaging in cross-border intercompany cash repatriation and financing. Join our Global Tax Desk professionals to learn how the following releases and announcements in Asia Pacific, Latin America and Europe could necessitate action:

  • December 2023 OECD Pillar Two administrative guidance impacting the transitional country-by-country reporting safe harbor when entering certain “hybrid arbitrage arrangements” 
  • A forthcoming report by the Australian Senate Economics Legislation Committee on proposed reforms to Australia’s interest limitation rules 
  • German proposals around interest deduction limitations, such as tightening of the general 30% EBITDA rule and separate rules for cross-border intercompany financing
  • EU developments related to beneficial ownership and substance


  • Naomi Ross, Australia Desk Leader, International Tax and Transaction Services, Ernst & Young LLP
  • Dhara Sampat, Asia Pacific Business Group, International Tax and Transaction Services, Ernst & Young LLP
  • Tobias Appl, Germany Desk Leader, International Tax and Transaction Services, Ernst & Young LLP
  • Ricardo Vargas, Mexico Desk, International Tax and Transaction Services, Ernst & Young LLP
  • James Sauer, Partner, International Tax and Transaction Services, Ernst & Young LLP


  • Serge Huysmans, Principal and EMEIA Desk Leader, International Tax and Transaction Services, Ernst & Young LLP

EY webcast managed and produced by Ernst & Young LLP’s Tax Technical Knowledge Services Group, Washington, DC: Lynn Fairfax


CPE credits: 1.2


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