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BEPS 2.0 recent developments and practical considerations

In this webcast, panelists discuss the documents released by the OECD in July and what to expect in the coming months, with a focus on how these developments affect companies. 

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Please join us for the next in the series of EY Global webcasts focusing on the BEPS 2.0 project “BEPS 2.0 recent developments and practical considerations.”

In this session, panelists talk about the additional Administrative Guidance on the Global Anti-Base Erosion (GloBE) rules, including the new safe harbors.

Other topics discussed include:

  • The GloBE Information Return
  • The report on the Subject to Tax Rule (STTR) under Pillar Two
  • The discussion draft on Pillar One Amount B
  • The ongoing work in the Inclusive Framework on Pillars One and Two
  • The current landscape of Pillar Two implementation activity in jurisdictions around the world
  • How companies can prepare now for new rules taking effect in 2024


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