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Weathering the storm: how corporates are navigating market volatility

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In this webcast, market leaders will discuss the current market volatility of commodities and how corporates are navigating the challenges.

As commodity market volatility continues, the expectation of commodity risk management teams to mitigate these risks has never been greater.

In this webcast, panelists will discuss current trends and challenges in commodity markets and how companies are using technology to address these issues.

Topics discussed include:

  • Economic trends in commodity markets
  • Challenges faced by commodity-intensive corporates
  • How technology is being used to address challenges and manage risk

Our speakers include:

  • Peter Moore, Head of Product Management, FIS Global, Kiodex
  • Zoltan Klagyivik, Director Commodity Price Risk Management, Mondelez International
  • Michael Barrett, Partner, Commodities Markets, Ernst & Young LLP

Moderated by:

  • Dan Camp, Senior Manager, Commodities Markets, Ernst & Young LLP


CPE credits: 1.0


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