EY ESG Arena

EY ESG Arena is a cloud-ready acceleration platform that enables leading financial services firms to deliver environmental, social and governance (ESG) offerings at speed and scale. An end-to-end ESG data solution to help your firm engage in the sustainability transformation journey.

Discover EY ESG Arena for wealth and asset management

EY ESG Arena serves as the foundation upon which the ESG risk, regulatory, strategic and alpha-gen solutions can be developed. The all-in-one framework is modular and extensible by design to cater to your current and future sustainability use cases.

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Transforming wealth and asset management

EY ESG Arena is transforming financial services through innovation in sustainable finance data management, analytics and reporting. Our product combines our deep financial services knowledge with a flexible platform and powerful ecosystems that will enable you to meet your ESG needs.

Centralized data

  • Rapidly onboard ESG information from multiple sources using application programming interface (API)gateway
  • Harmonize data attributes using common taxonomy
  • Disparate data integration and hosting in common data model
  • Deliver rapid performance monitoring for critical KPIs

Actionable reporting and insights

  • One-click report builder for frameworks such as Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB), Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and more
  • Benchmarking against comparable companies in the industry, sector and region
  • Customized and automated dashboarding across ESG frameworks and regulatory standards
Colleagues working together in office

AI-driven analytics

  • Simulate fund rating results across your portfolios via scenario analytics
  • Generate real-time sentiment score and ESG hierarchy for news
  • Advanced gap analysis across disclosure frameworks
  • Scenario models to calculate proprietary ESG scores and ratings at the portfolio level

Engagement and interactions

  • Capture ESG engagements and client interactions to elevate performance
  • Develop relationship maps
  • Identify strengths and pain points of portfolio companies across ESG frameworks and regulatory standards
mobile phone by tray of seedlings

Our latest thinking

Technology-led activation of CDFIs to enable social impact

FIs need to invest in CDFIs to further their ESG social impact agendas, but program measurement issues exist due to CDFI technology and data challenges.

Why data is key to informed sustainability policies and ESG investments

Companies fulfilling their ESG responsibilities should develop an ESG technology platform to improve data oversight, accuracy and transparency

ESG in the asset management industry: The CDO’s role

Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) measures are a critical factor in investment strategy and allocations. Find out how.

    The team

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    See how EY ESG Arena for Wealth and Asset Management can develop forward-looking scenarios for your firm.

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