Woman pilot using drone remote controller in corn field Woman standing alone in a cenote in Mexico
Woman Pilot Using Drone Remote Controller in corn field

How can value created today help shape the future with confidence?

EY Value Realized 2024 is our annual report on how we’re creating value and shaping the future for EY people, clients and society.

I’m excited to share EY Value Realized 2024, an in-depth look at our commitments and actions over the last fiscal year to create sustainable, long-term value for EY people, clients and society (“Report”).

The Report reflects the EY purpose of Building a better working world; our culture; and the EY Values.

Before writing more about what you can expect to see in the Report, I want to recognize my predecessor, Carmine Di Sibio, for his contributions to EY throughout a long and distinguished career. Together, we enjoyed a robust and smooth transition period, during which we traveled the world to talk to EY clients, member firms’ partners, people and regulators.

Dedicated to creating value 

Through my ongoing travels, I continue to see a powerhouse organization in great shape; one that is dedicated to creating value for EY stakeholders from a position of strength.

I see an organization that continually invests in its people: EY has delivered more than 100m learning hours, invested US$2.1b in training and progressed a more diverse, equitable and inclusive culture over the last five fiscal years. We have also focused on social mobility and socio-economic inclusion – knowing that our upbringing and the education and income of prior generations, can impact the extent to which we are able to access resources, networks and opportunities – as part of our broader diversity, equity and inclusiveness (DE&I) and social equity efforts.

I see an organization that continually strengthens its offering for clients: in the same timeframe, there was EY investment in 85 acquisitions, 77 alliances and more than 100 ecosystem relationships, as well as cutting-edge technology including in data and AI. This past year, EY launched EY.ai, to help clients transform their businesses through confident and responsible AI adoption. We also created EYQ, an EY conversational AI assistant. Since its launch in September 2023, there have been more than 68 million prompts.

I see an organization that has positively impacted society and the planet: Since the launch of EY Ripples in 2018, EY has impacted more than 192m lives and contributed more than 3.8m hours to community initiatives. In addition, we have reduced absolute GHG emissions by 40% since FY19.

Throughout the Report, you will find stories of the work we are doing across all these areas, for EY people, clients and society. We continue to disclose the World Economic Forum’s International Business Council (WEF-IBC) stakeholder metrics, and EY continues to be a participant in the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), and in the Report, we reaffirm our commitment toward UNGC’s Ten Principles.

We are proud to be a US$50b+ organization with nearly 400,000 people around the world, an important business milestone. It is now time to look forward as we seek to shape our next US$50b+ of revenue.

From the accelerating rate of technological change, to an increasingly volatile geopolitical environment, and societal and climate-driven challenges, we are all acutely aware that the world’s organizations are facing increasingly complex issues. These issues are not new on their own, but their impact is increasingly intense, far-reaching and inter-connected.

Shaping the future with confidence

All in is the EY global strategy to shape the future with confidence – to lead our stakeholders through this extremely complex, rapidly evolving AI and technology-driven era, and create new value for EY clients, people and society.

We believe in this so much that we have made Shape the future with confidence our new tagline. Placed alongside the iconic EY logo, it reflects an unwavering commitment to help create new value and build confidence in the capital markets through whatever challenges we collectively face. This, in turn, will help us continue to fulfill our enduring purpose of Building a better working world.

For EY clients, shape the future with confidence means helping them navigate emerging challenges and opportunities as distinctive journey partners. For EY people, it’s about supporting their future needs and career expectations and empowering them to solve some of the most complex client issues. For society, it’s having a positive impact in light of changing needs.

“All in” will help shape the next chapter for EY through purposeful and sustainable growth – intentional, future-focused investments in areas where we are positioned to lead, such as transformation, managed services and sustainability, alongside an unwavering commitment to audit quality.

We will also build an even stronger organization by creating new ways to collaborate across our geographical footprint. And the way we provide services will evolve rapidly using technology, data and AI.

Empowering our people

We will continue to invest in EY people. We have a refreshed people proposition that focuses on the things EY people told us they care about the most: developing skills; being empowered to prioritize their wellbeing; and building an inclusive and positive culture.

And we will do all of this together. All in isn’t just a business strategy, it’s also an attitude and a way of working: combining the multidisciplinary skills of the nearly 400,000 EY people to anticipate and navigate a changing world and in the process help EY clients and people shape the future with confidence.

Our new strategy does mean change. At the same time, the bedrock principles that make us who we are as an organization are not changing. The EY organizational purpose remains Building a better working world, and the EY Values and culture remain integral to EY.

EY today is in a great place. We are making the future-focused investments and implementing initiatives that EY clients, EY people and our broader communities would need to address the challenges and capitalize on the opportunities ahead for us all.

As EY implements the new global strategy, I look forward, in the spirit of openness, transparency and accountability, to continuing to report on our progress this time next year.

Janet Signature

Profile of Janet Truncale
Janet Truncale
EY Global Chair and CEO

Creating long-term value for all stakeholders

At EY, we measure success by the value we create for EY people, clients and society – alongside financial performance. Find out how.

Woman Pilot Using Drone Remote Controller in corn field

Our purpose, values and strategy

All EY people live by a set of shared values, and in a fast-changing world, our purpose is our guide. We deliver on our purpose and values through our new strategy “All in,” where we’re helping organizations shape the future with confidence. Learn more.

Cheerful woman in her 20s in business meeting with colleagues, teamwork, discussion, connection

People value

At EY, we're committed to creating an environment where everyone can bring their best selves to work. Here, every individual has the opportunity to apply their skills, dedication and passion to their roles. Learn more.

Portrait of confident mid adult biracial creative businesswoman in office

Client value

We help EY clients seize opportunities to create long-term value and drive growth while together, helping organizations shape the future with confidence. Learn more.

Smiling Indian businessman with open collar outdoors in city

Societal value

EY recognizes the responsibilities we have toward society and the environment. We are committed to having a positive impact in light of changing needs. Learn more.

Young man contemplating from building terrace


The structure and principal bodies of the global EY organization reflect the principle that EY, as a global organization, has a common shared strategy. Learn more.


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