Tax knowledge comes from many sources; memory is only one of them.

Mike Gibson

UK Tax Knowledge Lead, Ernst & Young LLP

Problem solver. Likes fitting pieces together and sharing the outcome. Knows a little about a lot of taxes and always keen to find out more. Avid reader and visitor of libraries.

Mike leads the EY UK Tax Knowledge team, which is responsible for sharing developments through client newsletters and UK Budget communications. The team keeps the wider EY UK tax practice up to date and looks to share experience, as well as the latest thinking on technical tax issues.

Mike has over 30 years’ experience in advising on tax developments and has worked in the UK Tax Knowledge team for the last 14.

He qualified as a solicitor and holds a BA in Jurisprudence from the University of Oxford.

How Mike is building a better working world

“Within tax, it is all too easy to become focussed on one particular problem with the consequence that you lose sight of the bigger picture.

I work with my colleagues in the EY organisation to help businesses gain a broad understanding of recent developments, so that they can both pay the right amount of tax at the right time and report on their tax position. In this way I help business meet their commitment to all their stakeholders, including customers, suppliers, investors and employees. At the same time, I look to share experiences related to the tax, legal and governance challenges that businesses face as they plan their transition to a more sustainable operating model, turning their climate ambitions into climate actions.”

Mike's latest thinking

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