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Unfortunately, this is incorrect.
In most cases, the US-UK tax treaty determines which country has ‘first taxing’ rights, rather than ‘sole’ taxing rights, and which country will allow credit on specific items of income and gains. There are some income types that are only taxed in one jurisdiction, but they are limited. Careful annual planning needs to be undertaken to ensure that the timing of tax payments and the jurisdiction to whom those tax payments are made is correct.
‘First’ taxing rights refers to a situation where the US and UK both have a right to tax an item of income and gain. Depending on the item of income/gain, the country with the first taxing rights can impose a tax liability without any reference to tax exposure in the other country. Although the other country has the right to tax the income/gain, they must (with the appropriate planning) provide a credit for the taxes suffered in the first country.
‘Sole’ taxing rights refers to a situation where only one country has the right to tax an item of income/gain.
Capital gains provide a good example of how the treaty works:
- A US citizen deemed domiciled in the UK is taxable in the US and UK on worldwide income.
- They realise a $100,000 gain on the sale of shares in Amazon. Although a US stock, the treaty provides that the UK has first taxing rights, and the US must allow a credit for the UK tax suffered against any UK tax liability.
- Generally, the US allows a credit for foreign taxes in the year that they are paid, rather than the year the gain arises, hence a timing problem arises if that is different.