ISG Administrations

ISG Central Services Limited
ISG Interior Services Group UK Limited
ISG Fit Out Limited
ISG Engineering Services Limited
ISG UK Retail Limited
ISG Retail Limited
ISG Construction Limited
ISG Jackson Limited
(all in Administration) (together “the Companies”)

On 20 September 2024 the Companies entered administration and Timothy Vance, Alan Michael Hudson and Dan Edkins were appointed as Joint Administrators. The appointments were made by the High Court of Justice in England and Wales under the provisions of paragraph 12 of Schedule B1 of the Insolvency Act 1986, following applications by the directors of the Companies. 

ISG’s UK operations, which provided construction and related services in the UK, ceased to trade with immediate effect. As a result, no further work will be undertaken on existing UK contracts.


If you were a customer of one or more of the Companies and require further information on the Administrations, please refer to the Customer Frequently Asked Questions here in the first instance.

Suppliers and Contractors 

Any debts due by the Companies prior to the appointment of the Joint Administrators, on 20 September 2024, will be an unsecured creditor claim against the relevant Company. 

Unsecured creditor claims may include: unpaid invoices, work in progress not yet invoiced and / or certified, retentions or any other contractual claims.  

No payments are expected to be made to unsecured creditors of the Companies.

Instructions on registering as a creditor and / or submitting a claim are in the Supplier and Contractor Frequently Asked Questions here.

Please refer to the “Administration Documents” drop-down below for copies of letters to the Companies' creditors and Proof of Debt forms. All future reports by the Joint Administrators will also be available here.

If you were a supplier or contractor to one or more of the Companies and require further information on the Administrations, please refer to Supplier and Contractor Frequently Asked Questions here in the first instance. 


All employees of the Companies have been contacted separately by the Administrators.  


For media enquiries only, please contact: 

The affairs, business and property of the Companies are being managed by the Joint Administrators, Timothy Vance, Alan Michael Hudson and Dan Edkins, who act as agents of the Companies only and without personal liability.
Timothy Vance is licensed in the United Kingdom to act as an insolvency practitioner by The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland. Alan Michael Hudson and Dan Edkins are licensed in the United Kingdom to act as insolvency practitioners by The Insolvency Practitioners Association. As insolvency practitioners, they are bound by the Insolvency Code of Ethics in carrying out all professional work relating to the appointment.
The Joint Administrators may act as data controllers of personal data as defined by the UK General Data Protection Regulation (as incorporated in the Data Protection Act 2018), depending upon the specific processing activities undertaken. Ernst & Young LLP and/or the Companies may act as a data processor on the instructions of the Joint Administrators. Personal data will be kept secure and processed only for matters relating to the Joint Administrators’ appointment. The Office Holder Data Privacy Notice can be found at
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