The challenge for the ETF industry is really to interpret how best to offer solutions that are going to reflect the investor’s needs.

Lisa Kealy


Wealth and asset management advisor. Mathematician. Inspiring the next generation of female leaders. Passionate about building a sustainable asset management industry focused on doing the right thing.

Lisa leads EY Wealth and Asset Management (WAM) services in Ireland and is a member of the EY European WAM leadership committee. Lisa is also the EY ETF leader for EY EMEIA and chairs the EY Global ETF Committee.

At an industry level, Lisa is Vice-Chair of Irish Funds (IF) Council and a member of EFAMA's ETF working group. She is a frequent speaker at industry conferences in Europe and Asia, and a contributor to leading financial service industry publications.

Lisa holds an MSc in Pure Mathematics  (first-class honors degree ) from Trinity College Dublin and is a fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Ireland, from which she holds a practicing certificate.

How Lisa is building a better working world

Lisa helps clients build a sustainable asset management industry focused on doing the right thing: good investor outcomes supported by putting environmental, social and governance  (ESG) as well as diversity and inclusion at the heart of industry culture.

Lisa's latest thinking

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