EY refers to the global organization, and may refer to one or more, of the member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate legal entity. Ernst & Young Global Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, does not provide services to clients.
A collaborative AI enterprise framework
It doesn’t need to be like this. Also, the digital solutions we use in our lives provide both a strong understanding of what is possible and a clear path to success. Now is the time to apply this same approach to reinvent your enterprise experiences.
This is one of the reasons that EY is embedding the use of AI in Tax and Audit. This is helping pivot how these services are delivered to clients while also freeing around two million human hours and improving accuracy.
In Ireland, we are also investing to expand our wave-space capability with an AI Lab. The wave-space AI Lab will provide a base in Dublin and Cork for clients to reimagine their enterprise processes based on a core understanding of the user needs.
It will also connect across our alliance partners, such as Microsoft and SAP, and Ireland’s vibrant AI start up community to help ensure the most efficient and scalable solution today. We will also get input from ADAPT, Ireland’s AI collaboration involving eight universities, to ensure we are also planning for what is possible tomorrow.
AI has delivered so many benefits to our personal lives. Regardless, we are unreasonable consumers who continue to demand more; better experiences, customised journeys and curated content all just for me. We all know and experience the value of AI.
It is time now to take those unreasonable expectations and demand them from new and transformed business and enterprise services. Doing so, will help enterprises provide a new work experience comparable with what we already take for granted in our lives.