Government & public sector strategy consulting

EY-Parthenon government and public sector strategy consulting professionals help leaders make better decisions about the economy, public services, financing and budgeting, investing in R&D and technology, and environmental, social and governance (ESG) goals. EY-Parthenon’s strategic guidance is based on deep issue knowledge, broad experience, and analytical tools that enable success.

What the EY-Parthenon government and public sector (GPS) strategy consulting teams can do for you

Governments worldwide, including national, state and local entities and other public sector organisations, are faced with major transformation. Recent shocks — such as the COVID-19 pandemic, war in Ukraine and the consequences of climate change — are challenging how they organise and manage their economies and communities. Simultaneously, new technology is providing innovative ways to improve health and social and economic wellbeing for people everywhere. All these factors are key reasons why the future of government is likely to be very different.

How do national, state and local governments begin to sort through divergent needs, set priorities and determine the course of action? EY-Parthenon government and public sector (GPS) strategy consulting can help facilitate this transition. We have deep knowledge and broad experience working with national, state and local governments, and education institutions, on strategic and organisational issues. Our dedicated teams use emerging technological tools and digital capabilities to solve challenges.

During the pandemic, our public sector consulting group helped governments move quickly to solve heretofore unseen challenges, from pandemic vaccine distribution to supply chain bottlenecks. New public-private partnerships formed, and new technology was implemented on a mammoth scale and at a rapid pace. This forward momentum demonstrates how the many challenges ahead can be met.

Five strategic areas for focus

EY-Parthenon government and public sector strategy consulting advisors are focused on the future of government and five strategic areas that need strong and immediate attention.

  • Economy

    Governments face challenges ahead. They must promote economic growth, including the support of households and businesses struggling with rising costs, without fuelling further inflation. If real economic recovery is to happen and be maintained, governments need to support investment in R&D and job training, have a progressive tax strategy and develop a more agile education system to meet future needs.

    Governments can restore consumer confidence, build resilience into the global supply chain, facilitate long-term employment, rebuild infrastructure, and improve the performance of government-owned assets.

    All these improvements require sophisticated specialists in transformation, growth and restructuring to push programs toward success. The EY-Parthenon government and public sector strategy consulting teams are experienced in working on these complicated issues and can help design the right strategies to solve them.

  • Public services and community building

    The pandemic exerted a lot of pressure on employment regulations, social security protections, pension systems and health care. It also exacerbated health disparities and job-and-income inequality.  At the same time, it highlighted the urgent need for governments to empower communities to improve resilience in future crises. There are no quick and easy answers to these issues, but the EY-Parthenon GPS strategy consulting teams work closely with governmental agencies to deliver solutions.

  • Ways of working

    The pandemic exerted a lot of pressure on employment regulations, social security protections, pension systems and health care. It also exacerbated health disparities and job-and-income inequality.  At the same time, it highlighted the urgent need for governments to empower communities to improve resilience in future crises. There are no quick and easy answers to these issues, but the EY-Parthenon GPS strategy consulting teams work closely with governmental agencies to deliver solutions.

  • Public finances

    Government finances and taxation systems can make better use of technology, including artificial intelligence and blockchain, to analyse data, deter fraud and better manage public finances.

    EY-Parthenon strategy consultants working together with EY specialists in technology, data analytics, tax policy and procurement. We use emerging technologies to drive efficiency in public spending, improve revenue collection and ultimately begin to reduce public debt.

  • Environmental, social and governance (ESG) and sustainability

    ESG and sustainability performance and reporting continue to grow in importance. Collecting and correctly analysing the right information is essential to drive appropriate regulations and achieve positive ESG outcomes.

    EY-Parthenon GPS strategy consultants help governments gather and maximise this information in many ways. We help strengthen governmental trading regulations as well as tax practices to improve ESG results. We help determine the best research and development work to boost green expansion as well as help design market regulations to promote emission reductions. 

    In addition, our experts also can help implement new strategies such as outcomes-based budgeting to address the inequities of data-driven goals. And we have methods of tracking the spending and investments in disadvantaged communities, which, in turn, help protect vulnerable populations.

Facilitating a path to a better future

Governments’ responsibilities and decisions have enormous ramifications. EY-Parthenon government and public sector specialised strategists are here to help. The EY-Parthenon government and public sector strategy consulting team can help provide strategic solutions to complex issues and work with you to implement them. Our goal is to help reimagine the future of government by facilitating a path forward to a more resilient, equitable and sustainable future.

Contact us for immediate support regarding your business strategy

EY-Parthenon government and public sector strategy consulting team can help accelerate your transformation.