EY refers to the global organization, and may refer to one or more, of the member firms of Ernst & Young Limited, each of which is a separate legal entity. Ernst & Young Limited is a Swiss company with registered seats in Switzerland providing services to clients in Switzerland.
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Our recognition and reward advisors can help assess, restructure and redesign your total reward package as part of a coherent talent strategy. Learn how.
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Market observations on potential actions
There are numerous measures employers are currently considering to compensate for high inflation rates.
While the most obvious idea to match the planned salary increase of their workforce with the local inflation levels is, firstly, not sustainable and, secondly, very costly; other actions require an analysis of the company’s specifics. Depending on the industry and financial situation, which might still be impacted by COVID-19, the main requirement when taking action might be cost control. Generally, any salary increase now will not only affect this and next year’s profit & loss statement regarding personnel expenses, but also impact any year going forward since salaries, usually, do not get reduced. Some might even argue that over the past years, when inflation was low or even negative, salaries were not reduced either.
Some companies are contemplating a one-off payment for their entire workforce to counteract high costs of living, making clear that there is no entitlement to receive the same again next year.
Considering that the part of the workforce receiving the lowest remuneration levels feels most pressured due to high inflation rates and increasing prices, employers might choose to only target those employees when establishing higher salary increases or one-off payments. Well-managed communication is key when such selective measures are taken across the company.
Another factor to consider is the pressure on attracting and retaining talent due to scarcity of skilled workforce depending on the job profile. Analyzing a company’s key people and structuring retention instruments for them specifically might be one way to win the war for talent in light of the current market dynamics.
Statista 2022 on inflation levels; SRF News (24.10.22; “Streik abgewendet: Swiss und Piloten einigen sich»); destatis.de (Statistisches Bundesamt)