The Circular Economy as a business solution

The Circular Economy solution of EY Sustainability enables circular product design, business model innovation and ecosystem redesign of businesses.

Five financial benefits when companies turn circular.

Are you aware of the massive economic advantages of the Circular Economy? Find out more by downloading the full brochure.


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The circular economy is emerging as a transformative process that decouples economic growth from the consumption of natural resources and creates positive ecological and social impacts. From building supplies to textiles, packaging to electronics: the circular economy has the potential to extend the life and value of materials across industries.

What EY can do for you

We believe in building a better working world by reshaping businesses through circular economy practices. Our services and solutions help you simplify circular product design, business model innovation and ecosystem redesign.

Together, we can help keep resources of any kind for longer and in the nearest loop possible.

We’ve put a lot of thought into what makes a successful circular economy and the steps you’ll need to take along the journey. 

Learn more about our tools, training and approaches:

Step 1 - Collecting data and measuring your supply chain impact 

  • Circular Economy Baselining

    In a first step, you need to understand the level of circularity in your current product portfolios. Findings and their business implications are based on an evaluation of your portfolio footprint and handprint according to the R framework. 

  • Circulator

    Circulator is an integrated tool that measures detailed circularity, collects and visualizes data, identifies future potential, and helps you prioritize and manage the transformation toward an innovative and efficient future business model and product portfolio. Use it to identify circular market opportunities that address your specific supply chain and organizational challenges.

Step 2 - Developing a strategic roadmap

  • The Circular Economy Compass

    The Circular Economy Compass leverages the analysis conducted through the CE Baselining and the Circulator to define a clear CE strategy in the short, medium and long term. By deep diving into the external context and the potential barriers, it clusters future potential opportunities in a strategic roadmap. The outcomes which result from the Compass provide the required guidance for the circular transformation of business model, product design, RE-x processes as well as ecosystem and the application of technologies.

Step 3 – Redesigning your products, ecosystem and business model

  • Circular Design Almanac and Canvas

    The Circular Design Almanac is an approach providing a clear structure to develop offerings and design physical product hardware for closed loops. It assesses product portfolios with respect to CE principles to inform better choices when selecting products. The Circular Design Canvas is part of the Almanac and aims to help you rethink ecosystems, business models and resource loops.

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