Audited financial statements increase trust towards investors and other significant stakeholders and therefore support to tap on new financing resources.

Rico Fehr

Partner, Regional Leader Central Switzerland, Assurance Leader German Speaking Part | EY Switzerland

Solution oriented and pragmatic. Extensive experience in the audit of start up and mature companies. Strong international network within EY.

Rico is part of the Assurance Leadership team in Switzerland and also takes responsibility for the audit of start ups. As a long-serving audit partner, he has the right experience to serve start up companies in the various stages of their life cycle. In his free-time Rico enjoys spending time in the mountains with his family. 


How Rico is building a better working world

In creating trust in the financial statements, we not only help mature companies with their capital market transactions, but also start up companies with their financing activities. With increased trust, we also help to protect investors and to create value.

Rico's latest thinking

Foundation for transforming your sustainability reporting

Foundation for transforming your sustainability reporting

28 Oct 2024 Luzern, CH
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